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Past Events

'Art by Silver Brushes' at Aurora's Skylight Gallery
September 3rd - 26th, 2024
Our 'Art by Silver Brushes' exhibit looks fabulous.

"Sweet Relaxation" one of my paintings for November 25th's "Art by Silver Brushes" display at the Bond Head Craft Market
November 25th, 2023 9 am - 2 pm

Art by Silver Brushes at Tec-We-Gwill WI Artisan Fair
November 4th, 2023
This is us after our Friday evening set up. Saturday's event was well attended and some people went home with a new piece of fabulous art:) Thanks to the WI ladies who made us feel so very welcome.

Work in Progress May 1, 2023
May 1st, 2023
This frame or a similar one and maybe the newly 'hatched' writing written all round the frame . . . Maybe:)

Little donated paintings
April 27th, 2023
I donated 10 little paintings to a fund raiser being held by St. Jean de Brebeuf, the school I retired from in 2004.
My Ongoing Project - 'Finish, Fix, Frame or Fire' unfinished paintings event
January 12th - 19th, 2023
#1 'The Spiky Plant' was reworked from January 12th to the 19th.

Art by Silver Brushes at the Annual Christmas Craft Show hosted by The Bond Head Women's Institute
December 3rd, 2022 9 am - 2 pm
The debut of ... Art by Silver Brushes ...
along with a wonderful selection of art, crafts and desserts from various other talented vendors.

September 2021 YouTube video - "A Taste of Passion" by BWG Passion Made Artisans
September 20th, 2021
In the Fall of 2021, eleven BWG Passion Made Artisans exhibited their creations in a most spectacular outdoor setting. Thanks to assistance from "BruceGreySimcoe" and the home owners of this set in nature beauty, our fabulous outdoor show was professionally videoed and posted on YouTube. We had a lot of fun planning and setting up for the event and of course, viewing its September 2021 YouTube debut. A search for Bradford West Gwillimbury Passion Made Artisans will bring you to the brief compilation video and each exhibitor's 15 seconds of fame:) I was happy and honoured to set up my paintings in my favourite sitting spot.